
Editormap Iaia


Editor: I. Vantaggiato


Editormap M. Lazzarato
L. Blissett
Editormap M. Hardt
Editormap HU Reck
Editormap E. Rullani
Editormap I. Vantaggiato
collaborative map

Editor: Iaia Vantiaggato Journalist
Iaia Vantaggiato Percorsi di donne: le filosofie femministe; femminismo
e postrutturalismo; femminismo e psicoanalisi.
Vantaggiato Iaia, La femminilizzazione del lavoro In: Stato e diritti nel
postfordismo, Roma, Manifesto libri, 1996
keyword 38 - Lavoro immateriale | Immaterial work | Editor: Iaia Vantagiiato.
In the postfordist model knowledge and communication are the raw material
of the process of production: <> are <>, produced upon
relationships and the ability to turn relationships into knowledge. As a
consequence, the <> that make such a production possible
are the most valued. <> is necessary in order to enter the
labor market, ie workers must offer their own language, relationships and
ability to communicate. According to many people, such qualities are typically
feminine, yet they suddenly became desirable for both men and women. It
is a feminine mode of production that develops as production of social relations
and, unlike production of goods, does not disregard the individual^s concrete